Valeo Kapec Interview
Mexico Site Production Technology Team Hernandez
Mexico Site Production TeamZacarias
Mexico Site Human Resources TeamRodriguez
Japan Site APU2 Process TeamSasaki
Japan Site Purchasing TeamUrano
China Site Sales Team Hongchuan
China Site Quality Management Team Yunfei Liu

With top-level expertise,
I develop core technologies for Valeo Kapec.
- Q. What's your current job?
- I'm in charge of product design. Design team not only designs parts but also validates the design drawings, modifies the technical drawings, and coordinates with the suppliers. We are also working with the related teams to produce the prototype.
- Q. What qualifications and requirements are needed to perform your job?
- Valeo Kapec wins global customers and is in close consultation with each site’s R&D centers along with the central R&D centers. In order to communicate smoothly with international personnel and customers, the ability to speak foreign languages is also as important as the designing skill. In addition, engineers need creativity and perseverance to develop new technologies because we have to find solutions for the challenging tasks.
- Q. When do you feel rewarding at work?
- The most memorable thing while working as an engineer was when the first technical drawing was delivered to the customer through my hands. I was involved in the entire process, from design to production of prototype, so it was very rewarding to know my product would be released to the market.
- Q. What is your dream to realize with Valeo Kapec?
- I've been working as a research fellow in design team for two years at Valeo Kapec. But there's still a lot I have to learn about engineering. Actually, I will try to acquire more engineering skills as well as designing skills. My current goal is to get a patent under my name and design a core technology of the Powertrain system within 10 years.