PR Center Valeo Kapec Inside

Valeo Kapec Interview

I develop the best products in the world through my passion and unstoppable challenges.

Central R&D Advanced TC Development Team Wan Choi
Q. What kind of job are you currently in charge of?
I am in charge of proactive development department that researches new technologies and market trends at the Central Research Center and develops products proactively to meet the needs of our customers. As a team leader, I work to help my team members achieve their goals. Because our team has more opportunities to contact new customers with new field developments, I often involve myself into the job directly.
Q. Do you have any memorable moment while working?
Likewise other developers, the most memorable moment was when I launched a new product to the market with my best effort. What would be worth more if the outcome came out to the world after a lot of discussions and considerations, leading millions of people to use it conveniently? In case of Torque Converter, it generally takes about two years from the initial design to the product launch, afterward; users can use it for about 30 years. Given the two-year effort turns into 30 years use for customers, I mostly forget my hard work. Instead, I feel fulfilled.
Q. What talents(qualities and attitudes) are required?
There would be many things, but I think the most important quality is how passionate you are. No matter how talented you are, you cannot beat the person who continuously challenges with passion. When we have passion, hard work turns into fun, and driving force to challenge to the end is sprung up within us. That is why when passion disappears, we may feel fearful, making us difficult to deal with problems. Therefore, I am always trying to live as a passionate pereson.